Sunday, May 27, 2007

Go Time, Baby!

I arrived in KC on Friday night after a long car ride from Chicago, IL. I flew to Chicago in order to ride down with Rich Benjamin, assistant at Olivet Nazarene, who will be assisting this summer. He's a really great individual; very passionate about Jesus and baseball. We get along very well. I look forward to working with him.

We are currently staying with the former director of FCA Baseball, Mike Lusardi and his family. They are gracious hosts and it has been a joy to have fellowship with them.

The past few days have been helping the GM from the Grays, Joe Reed, continue to prepare for the arrival of the players on Monday. He has not had an assistant to help with the mundane tasks: putting together player packets, equipment, itineraries, etc. Guess who did that? It was a good way to start the summer and fill the role of servant leader. Hey, if I believe in that, I need to put that to work. That's the goal this summer, be an example to the kids and be Christ. There may be a few who have not made a commitment to Christ and could make a decision during the summer.

We had to St. Mary's University, north of KC, for training camp tomorrow through Friday night. The kids will head to their host homes, while I will be camped at a missionary parsonage at our host church, First Baptist Church of Kearney, MO. There will be space for Angela and the kids to stay with me when they come at the end of June.

My goal is to blog everyday now that I'm here and continue to share this journey with you. My family and I appreciate those who donated and the sacrifice you made!

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